A guild I belong to, the Pacific Northwest ArtFire Guild, had a challenge to create something in the theme of Independence Day. Since we include British Columbia in our guild, Independence Day rather than the Fourth of July seemed appropriate. (Canada celebrates their birth day July 1st.) Wars are funny. Not ha-ha funny, but just strange when you think about it. Friends become enemies. Enemies become friends…
Almost my whole life when I thought of the Fourth of July images of huge displays of fireworks in glorious colors accompanied by very loud booms came to mind. If I thought more carefully I'd think of our country's fight for independence, which was sort of like growing up and wanting freedom from our parents wasn't it? When we got past the you can't be the boss of me stage we became friends again. With two wars taking our young people in the name of…
Shakespeare's Hamlet and Ophelia's part in it starts out like a classic Hollywood movie. So much so that I can imagine even the first sets of audiences in London wanting to yell out in frustration when one or the other doesn't profess their love for the other. At least in a Hollywood love story we are usually rewarded in the end with the hero and heroine's embrace and love ever after. But alas, this is a tragedy.
This month's …