My Pantone Spring 2020

February 11, 2020

Gothic Heart necklace

Gothic Heart Necklace


If you've been out shopping lately for clothes or home goods you have already seen this year's spring and summer colors.  In face Pantone has already announced Fall and Winter's!  Why does the industry bother coming up with a color story twice a year?  Well besides the boredom of seeing the same ole thing all the time, maybe your favorite colors have yet to be featured!  Also, imagine shopping either for a new outfit and accessories or new living room furniture and accessories if everyone was doing their own thing.  It's much easier to find your style with coordinating items if everyone is playing with the same crayons.  Pantone creates the universal language twice a year with trend reports and previews and selects a Color of the Year.  This year's Color of the Year is Classic Blue which I absolutely love for its jeweltone depth.


Pantone Classic Blue


After saying all that you may wonder do I create jewelry each year that coordinates with that year's selected colors.  The simple answer is no.  I am certainly influenced by color stories I may see in shops and magazines, but I never sit with a chart of these colors and create.  I wouldn't want to be stifled by that limitation and frankly folks buy jewelry to go with clothes they've had for years as well as an excuse to shop for a new top.

I do however like browsing in my shop each year to see if I have anything that would coordinate with the selected colors and always find something.


Biscay Green earrings

Evening Rain earrings


Classic Blue earrings

Phenomenon Blue earrings


Rio Grande Rustic Necklace

Boho Rustic Necklace


Bright orange and blue earrings

State Fair earrings


Coral Agate Necklace

Chrysanthemum Coral Agate necklace


Amethyst Talisman Pendant

Amethyst Talisman Pendant


Ocean inspired earrings

Monterey Earrings


Ocean Jasper Necklace

Catchy - Ocean Jasper pendant


Lots more options available in my shop!

Here is the whole Spring/Summer 2020 pallette:

Pantone Spring 2020


"The whole point is to live life and be

~to use all the colors in the crayon box."  RuPaul