Mad Mimi Works for Me on Newsletters

February 18, 2012

I don't do them very often, but occasionally I'll send out an email to folks that have signed up for my newsletter.  These emailed newsletters are usually tied to something that is time critical like an art show or a possible seasonal sale.  I also use them to announce new products or deliver exciting news coming from my hive!

Who signs up?  New customers, past customers, some that read my blog faithfully, facebook followers, some that don't do much on the internet at all, and probably some just like to hear updates from me via their email.  Folks can opt out of receiving them at any time.

Have you been looking for "a simple, intelligent and powerful email marketing utility that anyone can use. Mad Mimi makes email marketing easy for the creator, and easier on the eyes for the receiver. With ground-breaking technology, Mad Mimi is the simplest way to create branded, well-designed newsletters and promotions."

I use Mad Mimi to manage my subscription list and my promotions/newsletters.  I've been using them for nearly 3 years now and am very happy with the quick support response I receive.  They have software that allows me to customize the look and feel of a newsletter with photos and links to my branding so that when someone receives one they know immediately it's from me.  It also easily allows receivers to opt out of getting them so that they're never spammed.

If you would like to sign-up for my Honey from the Bee newsletter you can by clicking on the link below*.  Your information is kept confidentially and I will NEVER sell my list or otherwise release information of any kind contained in it.


*Update:  2/11/2015 - I currently use MailChimp and you can sign up for my newsletters here.